Monday, June 27, 2011

#whatif the air was so toxic ...

Disclaimer for all non-INTJ's: don't be alarmed. This is just a 'thought exercise'. Don't panic.

What if all the air on earth was toxic to the point you had to have a canister of clean air and breath it through a mask all the time. (You'd be just like a smoker, or someone with emphysema that totes around that canister all the time).

Hmmmm. Yes, everyone would have to have a clean air canister (CAC) all the time, from the moment they were born; yes, even babies, till the end - whatever that means.

You'd have to keep a supply of CAC's but, if you ran out, say at 1:00 am because you forgot to stop at the grocery / air store on your way home from work, you'd have to drive down to your local corner store. Maybe there would even be street-sellers.

You could still breath the air but it would be just toxic enough it would make you cough, and feel ill for a while, and take a day off your life span (on average) for every minute you breathed it.

Really rich people would have their whole houses sealed and a central clean air system. And the choice jobs would be at whole buildings with central clean air systems.

All the fruits and vegetables tasted weird, too; especially wine and beer.

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