Monday, June 27, 2011

Basic Irrational Ideas - from a counsellor

When you find yourself unhappy / out-of-control / not getting what you want, etc. maybe it isn't the situation, or even yourself; maybe it is just the WAY you are thinking - irrationally - like the thoughts below:

I (or the things I do) must be loved (accepted, approved of, etc.) by everyone who is important to me.

I must succeed in everything I do and be whatever the situation (other people) demands of me. I must never fail.

It is terrible (catastrophic, intolerable) when things are not going the way I want them to go.

Human unhappiness is externally caused and people have little or no ability to control their sorrows and disappointments or rid themselves of their negative feelings.

If something is (may be) dangerous or fear-producing, I should be very worried (upset, preoccupied) about it.

Things (I) have always been this way, so they (I) cannot be different.

I have to find a solution (alternative, way out, etc.) immediately or I won't be able to stand it.

If I get upset (angry, self-destructive, compliant, withdrawn, etc.) enough, something will surely change.

It is easier (better) to avoid facing life difficulties (responsibilities) than to undertake more rewarding forms of action.

Maximum happiness can be achieved by just letting things happen, doing as little as possible, and totally devoting myself to 'enjoyment'.

If I could just find the right person (job, solution, car, place, etc.), everything else would take care of itself and my life would be OK; or "if my bad luck would only change, that would 'fix' everything and my life would be OK."

The world is out to get me.

The world owes me a living (love, understanding, a chance, a break, etc.).

The world always must be (should be) fair.

I've got so many strikes against me now that nothing I do (say, think, feel, want, etc." is going to make any difference.

Some people are so bad (worthless, evil, unsympathetic, arrogant, etc.) that they should be severely punished (humiliated, killed, brutalized, etc.) for the kind of people they are.

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