How about a website (let me know if there is one already) set up like that I M D B dot com of actually important topics and the people involved.
Yes, instrad of a movie as the main grouping for a cast of charaters, it could be an important topic, like Conservation, say, for example; or climate change, or civil rights. And the list of characters would be populated by the individuals (or groups, or critters, or what have you) who had a major influence on that topic and the year(s) of their involvement.
"Conservation" starring so-and-so, directed by you-know-who, music by that-group-that-wrote-a-song-about it, and so on. Set up with links and bios, photos and trivia, and major quotes just like the movie database.
I mean, wikipedia is great but the layout is too textbookish to make it truly browsable. Topics set up like the movie database would be more fun to click around. The fun things about the movie database are seeing what else that actor has been in, seeing who they worked with, and maybe a bit of gossip in their bios.
So, really important stuff - a different format for history subjects and current issues, and the history of thise issues.
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