Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Moi Quotes Public

As sentience increases, so does ambiguity.

All is better when we sing together. 

My 'eventually' has finity.

In growing old gracefully, humility and self-forgiveness are indispensible. 

It is in the denial of the inevitable that the individual maintains and asserts at least a perception of control. Often, acceptance never comes but ends up being what the individual fights rather than the denial.

Being the creatures that we are, tending to rely on intuition when facts evade our understanding (since there is never a new discovery, only a truth not previously known), I believe in a strong genetic component [in one's being and 'fate'], modified or filtered by our environment.

Procrastinator's fear: If I did everything I said I would / needs to be done, I'd having nothing left to do!

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